
This page is a musical typing game, where you can take a midi file and try to match the notes played on your keyboard for points!

To play:

As a simple song to start with, here is a place to download Mary Had a Little Lamb . On the website, choose "Download MIDI"

You can find more midi files to download and try out at the links below. Also searching the internet with a phrase like "Nightmare Before Christmas MIDI" or "Portal Still Alive MIDI" will find songs to download as well.

Drop a midi file here, or click to select a file from the wizard. Or use the select box below to choose a Preloaded Song instead.
Please note: most of these options require the song to be restarted in order to take affect.
If you want to play the parts of a particular track, you can select an individual one to display here. Otherwise notes from all tracks will be used to display.
This sets how close together notes will be during play. More notes will appear on harder difficulties, and they will be a bit harder to read due to how they letters stack up. Not all songs are affected by difficulty changes similarly. Some songs will barely change, and some will change drastically. Good luck!
This sets the volume of each track. The smaller the value, the quieter the background music will be. Please note that this config will only get applied once when the song starts playing.
This sets the volume of the player's audio. The smaller the value, the quieter the notes played on the keyboard will be.
Song EndTime: [{{ songEnd }}] Track High Scores (uses localStorage)
Score: [{{ score }}] Good [{{ goodCount }}] Ok [{{ okCount }}] Bad [{{badCount}}] Missed [{{missedCount}}]
High Score: [{{ highScore }}] Challenge Score: [{{ challengeScore }}]
Mapped Keys
{{ songNotesOnKeyMap }}
Song Notes
{{ songNotes }}